When we sent our March newsletter, there was no way we could have imagined what a different environment we would be living in by our April edition!

We have been fortunate over the last few weeks to work closely with our colleagues from Specialist Youth Homelessness Services across the State, the Department of Housing and Public Works, and state-wide peak and advocacy bodies. All working around the clock to respond to homeless young people, families and communities impacted by COVID-19.

It has been a privilege to witness first-hand the good will, leadership and genuine care that individuals and teams in all of these organisations have brought to their respective roles in responding to the plethora of emerging needs.

Challenges and frustrations have been met with a focus on finding solutions to the array of issues that continue to present.

Appropriately, there is much celebration of the work of those on the front line of this pandemic - the doctors and nurses. There may not be so much talk of the front line workers who are working tirelessly to keep young people safe, housed and healthy during this time. We want you to know that you truly are appreciated essential workers.
making a difference

Queensland Service Integration Initiative

The Queensland Service Integration Initiative is a 12-month project providing a state-wide support role to nine priority locations to strengthen existing networking and care coordination structures. QShelter is undertaking this piece of work. Find out more here.

The Regional contact list for Place-Based Response Teams and Care Coordination Groups is here.
make renting fair
The need for a fairer framework for tenants has been highlighted as a result of COVID-19. During this unprecedented community crisis, the Make Renting Fair team is continuing to advocate for better long-term tenancy laws. Stay up to date with the work of the alliance on the MRFQ facebook page.
ahuri article

AHURI Research and Webinar

AHURI has released a research report that identifies measures that could reduce youth homelessness and lead to improved outcomes for young people who experience homelessness.

The findings of the research will be presented at the first AHURI Research Webinar event on Wednesday 29 April 2020 from 10.00am – 11.30am. For more information click here.
lesson plan

eSafety Commissioner resources for learning online

The global impact of COVID-19 means some young people will be spending more time at home and more time online. Young people can use connected devices to learn, but there are also some risks. Talking to young people about online safety issues can help develop their critical thinking and ability to make safer choices. Below are some valuable resources that have been developed by the office of eSafety commissioner regarding COVID-19 Global online safety advice for parents and carers.
Anzac Day
Whilst in isolation, Australians are being asked to walk to the ends of their driveways on April 25 to light up the dawn. Since regular public marches and services are cancelled due to COVID-19. ABC Radio will broadcast the dawn service. Families across the nation are invited to stand at their gates, on balconies or decks at 6am and hold a candle to fallen heroes. Musicians are being called on to take to their front yards to play the Last Post and Rouse or Reveille for neighbours. Poppies placed in visible view will be an added touch.

Webinars and Resources

A Specialist Homelessness Service in regional Queensland asked us to share this information with you.

Emerging Minds offers eLearning Courses on topics including Impact of trauma on the child and understanding child mental health.Go here for a full list of courses available.

Mental Health First Aid Australia are developing online courses – watch this space.

BeYou Professional Learning offers online professional learning modules such as mentally healthy communities and family partnerships. You can find more information here.

Mental Health Professionals Network (MHPN) provides the opportunity to participate in two programs: MHPN practitioner networks and the National online professional development program. Find out more here.

Schools in Mind is a free network for school staff and allied professionals which shares practical, academic and clinical expertise regarding the well being and mental health issues that affect schools. Find out more here.

Find out what complex trauma is, how it affects children and adolescents, and what can be done to help. QUT is offering a free course here.


Raise The Rate Queensland Supporters Campaign Meeting

ACOSS is arranging an online connection to ensure we continue to work together to raise the rate of Newstart/Jobseeker and other allowances. Ensuring that these allowances never return to $40 a day or less is essential. Please lend your voice to this campaign.
Date: Wednesday 29 April 2020
Time: 1:30-2:30 PM
Register here.

When can I leave my house?

For more information and updates, click the picture below.
COVID19 Stay Home Info Graphic - APPRVD_0

COVID- 19 info for young people

Youth Advocacy Centre (YAC) have created a fact sheet for young people about what COVID-19 might mean for them. You can find it here.

Immediate Housing Response Fund

As COVID-19 places additional pressure on community service providers, the Queensland Government has established an Immediate Response Fund of $24.7 million to deliver enhanced housing support to vulnerable Queenslanders.

This includes:
  • additional funding for people in urgent housing need, including temporary accommodation
  • enhanced outreach services for rough sleepers
  • access to bond loans and rental grants for people affected by the pandemic
  • support to help frontline housing and homelessness services access and pay for casual replacement staff.

Emergency legislation for tenants affected by COVID-19

The COVID-19 Emergency Response Bill 2020 was passed by the Queensland parliament on 22 April 2020. You can read the Bill and draft Regulations. Follow Tenants Queensland on Facebook to get updates as soon as they come in.

COVID-19 Rental Grant

Funding is available for Queenslanders who have lost their job due to the impacts of COVID-19 and who do not have access to other financial assistance. Click here to find out how to apply tor the COVID-19 Rental Grant

Not For Profit fact sheet

The Australian Government is supporting Australian businesses to manage cash flow challenges and retain employees. Assistance includes cash flow support to businesses and temporary measures to provide relief for financially distressed businesses. Check out the Fact sheet available For Not for Profit organisations.

Queensland Health

Queensland Health is the authoritative source of information and advice on COVID-19 infection prevention and control.

Contact should be made with Qld Health immediately if you suspect you have COVID-19

More information about COVID-19 can be found here
or call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84)
sistergirl brother boy pic
Did you know that LGBTIQAP+ Sistergirl and Brotherboy young people are significantly over-represented in experiences of homelessness and housing issues? Luckily, workers and organisations can take many steps to make their practice more affirming and inclusive, which significantly improves access to housing and support, as well as mental health outcomes. You can find a practice guide and other resources here
cyf srant
The annual Grant Scheme enables young people who are members of club CREATE to reach their full potential. Grants are available in the categories of Education and Training, Driving Lessons, Laptop or IT equipment and Travel/Conferences. For more information click here.
qcpw logo with name
The Queensland Child Protection Week Committee continues to plan and prepare for QCPW 2020.

You are encouraged to submit grant applications and award nominations by the due date.

Each year during Queensland Child Protection Week, (QCPW) events are held throughout Queensland to promote the key theme that Child Protection is Everybody’s Responsibility as well as sharing the key messages of QCPW.

In the event that large scale activities cannot occur early September, the QCPWC will work with organisations to reschedule.

Do you know a person or a program you’d like to celebrate?

Nominations for Queensland Child Protection Week Awards are open.

The annual Queensland Child Protection Awards provide an opportunity to publicly acknowledge the efforts, commitment and unreserved energy of many people who make a significant contribution to our community to prevent child harm and neglect. There are several Award categories to choose from. Nominate here.

Regional Grants

Grants of $5,000 are available for each of the five regional areas of Queensland and need to reflect the diversity of the region.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Engagement Grants

The Queensland Child Protection Week Committee has announced the introduction of the QCPW Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Engagement Grant. Not for profit groups operating in Queensland can apply for the one off grant payment of $5,000. This grant will be awarded to a not-for-profit community group to enhance and promote child protection messages within Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

Activity Grants

Grants of up to $1000 are available to non-government organisations, community organisations and networks. Successful applicants may receive full or partial grants.

Grant applications close 15 May 2020. Apply here
news desk

In the Media

ProBono Australia
The Conversation
ABC News